The key to speaking without fear is learning how to be genuine and fully present in the moment.
I find that many people are afraid of being themselves in front of others, often for fear of being judged. To deal with that fear, they anxiously focus on trying to figure out the perfect thing to say, or the perfect script and speaking techniques, when presenting to a group. “I have to know what I have to say,” “I’m going to lose my way,” are comments I hear often. Frustratingly, this only increases the fear and worry.
How Genuine Presence Dissolves Fear
The solution, I’ve found, for dissolving that fear and speaking from a place of strength and confidence is to first, find the connection to who you really are—the truth of who you are—and being fully present with yourself as you speak. That’s where the true power is. “I believe myself. I know myself.” There is no fear.
Speaking with Genuine Presence is Empowering
Being present and being true to who you are is empowering. When you want to speak authentically without fear, know that what you’re working on is self-empowerment—not a better script, or better techniques.
In my book, Essential Speaking: The 7-Step Guide to Finding Your Real Voice, I present an innovative approach to helping people overcome public speaking anxiety. Unlike conventional programs that focus on performance with scripts and techniques, the 7-Step Guide leads to a deeper confidence to be authentic and speak without fear in every-day interactions as well as on a stage giving a presentation.
If you have a fear of speaking up and want to eliminate it forever, attend one of my Speaking Circles®. In these small supportive groups that meet twice a month in Berkeley, CA, you have the opportunity to be with others who are learn how to connect to their essential core, engage positively with listeners, and express themselves clearly and with confidence in any situation.