Presence and Connection: Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety
Join me for 2 1/2 stimulating days, June 1-3, 2018, at Asilomar State Beach and Conference Grounds. This exquisite coastal retreat is where I’ll be presenting my program, Presence and Connection: Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety.
A well-designed program is diminished if you have any anxiety about speaking in public. With my Essential Speaking approach you will develop mindfulness skills that enable you to be authentic, compel attention, and impact your group.
This conference is designed for group therapists and mental health professionals at all levels of experience. It is a unique learning opportunity that allows clinicians to participate in workshops led by master group therapists. Over the course of 3 days, you will have 33 workshops to choose from. You will also have a choice of both experiential and didactic learning experiences.
Asilomar State Beach and Conference Grounds is minutes from Monterey. Along with an intensive learning experience, there will be time to walk on the beach, socialize and network with colleagues.