Virtual Speaking Circle® on Zoom!

Do you want to be more comfortable whenever you speak? 

Now you can experience Speaking Circles while maintaining “social distance.”

I invite you to join me for a Virtual Speaking Circle® on Zoom.

If you’ve participated in a Speaking Circle, you know the power of being with non-judgmental listeners. There’s an ease when you find the stillness within and speak from your authentic self. Essence Appreciation gives you a reflection of your amazing core strengths.

If you’ve never participated in a Speaking Circle, now is the perfect time to step into this safe, gentle and unique approach to overcoming the fear of public speaking. You will learn about speaking from presence, connection, and authenticity.

In addition, here is an 8-minute video of an inspiring turn from a Virtual Speaking Circle on Zoom led by Lee Glickstein. This vividly transmits the leading edge of our approach, shared with the permission of all who are on the screen: