Being Present

Many of you are now on Zoom and speaking to each other in the virtual world.
But do you know how to be fully present with yourself and your listeners?
In my video, I offer you my secret to “virtual presence.”
First, you must know what being present with yourself is.
Right now, ask yourself this, “can I bring myself to the here and now moment?”
If you said “yes,” I imagine that you take slow deep breaths. You exhale all the way to the end of the breath. Then you linger longer in that space before the next breath.
This space between the exhale and the inhale of your breath is the portal to presence.

Bring Yourself to Center

Before I move on to “virtual presence,” I want you to try this breathing technique I just described.
That’s right… take this very now moment to inhale…exhale… and stay a little longer in the pause between breaths.
After you can bring yourself to the center of your now moment, connected to breath, you have the first step to “virtual presence.”
The next step is being with your listeners in such a way that they feel seen and heard.

Virtual Speaking Circles

In my video, I show you how to achieve “virtual presence” with this one secret… look into the “eye” of the camera on your computer.
If “virtual presence” seems like it might be difficult for you, then join me in one of my Virtual Speaking Circles and learn even more secrets about speaking from presence.
Here is my weekly schedule open to only 5 people per group on a first come basis.
Mondays, 4-5:15pm (PT)
Wednesdays, 7-8:15pm (PT)
Thursdays, 12-1:15pm (PT)
Click here to sign up for a Virtual Speaking Circle.