Deep Listening: The 4th Secret to Fearless Speaking
As a Psychologist, the listening I offer is deep, arises from my heart, is full of curiosity, and does not judge. This pure quality of deep listening allows people to feel safe and gives them the courage to speak without fear. What I've noticed is that most people...
Awareness: The 3rd Secret to Fearless Speaking
I used to be very uncomfortable with eye-to-eye contact. It was awkward and made me feel uneasy, especially if I didn't know the person. So speaking in front of a group was even more challenging since there were so many eyes staring back at me. Standing in front of a...
Presence: The 2nd Secret to Fearless Speaking
To Be Present is to Be Free of Fear To be fully present, in the center of the now, is to be free of fear. It is when you think back to an unpleasant memory or when you look ahead at the possibility of being judged by others that the waves of fear begin to move through...
Silence: The 1st Secret to Fearless Speaking
"A silent mind is far more precise, accurate, and powerful than anything that is contained in the boundaries of rational thought." Deepak Chopra Be Silent When people come to my programs on overcoming the fear of speaking, they are always surprised to see that I begin...
Authentic Speaking in Business
Are You Being Authentic? When you speak, your listeners will have their radar up looking to see if you are for real and to determine whether they can trust you are not. Regardless of what you are presenting, they want to be impressed and inspired by YOU. Are you...
Dare to Be Real When Speaking in Public
Are You Real When Speaking in Public? “Dare to let the real you shine through” is the message by Teresa Tayag, Trainer, Speaker, Public Speaking Coach and blog author of Let the Real You Shine Through. I agree with Teresa that to be real when speaking in public is the...
Leadership Presence: Leaders Who Know How to Learn
Leaders Who are Open to Learning When a participant in my Leadership Presence workshop wondered about her tendency to deny her own power as a leader simply because she was a woman, I asked her if she was willing to look more deeply at this tendency. She was already...
How to Translate “Essential Self” into French?
My book, Essential Speaking: The 7-Step Guide to Finding Your Real Voice, is being translated into French by Brendan Flanagan who is practicing the 7 Steps to Essential Speaking with a peer group. He wondered about the phrase “essential self” and asked if I had invented it. I told him that I did not invent […]
Be Engaging When You Speak and Look at People
How Conventional Public Speaking Training Misses the Point Conventional public speaking training tells people who are afraid of audiences to look at a spot on the back of the wall and avoid the listeners. The problem with this technique is that the wall isn’t interested in your message and it won’t give you a response. […]
Public Speaking Anxiety: Fear of Being Yourself
The 7-Steps to Essential Speaking all begin with “Be” (Be Silent, Be Present, Be Aware, Be Attuned, Be Positive, Be Connected, Be Yourself). Notice that there is no focus on what you say. I believe that at the core of public speaking anxiety is the fear of being yourself in front of others. This is […]