Zen Wisdom and Confident Speaking

Zen Wisdom and Confident Speaking

Story of Zen Master The following Zen wisdom and confident speaking story, a favorite of mine, points to what I believe are the 3 secrets to confident speaking. A student came to Master Ichu and said, “Please write for me something of great wisdom.” Master Ichu picked...
It Went BETTER Than He Could Have Imagined

It Went BETTER Than He Could Have Imagined

A client I worked with shared the good news about his success speaking at a conference (pre-pandemic). If you have struggled with speaking anxiety, read my client’s story below to see what is possible when it comes to dealing with extreme anxiety. I bet you will find...
“I don’t know why I’m so afraid”

“I don’t know why I’m so afraid”

Recently, someone emailed me for advice on how to handle his fear of public speaking. I thought I’d share my response to him with you because it contains valuable tips on how you can handle your fear of speaking. Here is the response I wrote to him: The very first...
What Stops You From Following Your Inner Voice?

What Stops You From Following Your Inner Voice?

What stops you? What stops you from following your inner voice? Doubt! The quote I’m sharing with you today says it best… “You will never follow your inner voice until you clear up the doubts in your mind.” If clearing up our doubts is the answer to following the...
Zen Wisdom and Confident Speaking

Zen Wisdom and Confident Speaking

Story of Zen Master The following Zen wisdom and confident speaking story, a favorite of mine, points to what I believe are the 3 secrets to confident speaking. A student came to Master Ichu and said, “Please write for me something of great wisdom.” Master Ichu picked...
Presence and Public Speaking

Presence and Public Speaking

Early signs of public speaking anxiety I just received a note from one of my coaching clients and I thought it would speak to you… …especially if you are still working on getting over your speaking anxiety. In my articles, I’ve been helping you learn how...