10 Steps to Prepare a Talk and Boost Your Confidence

10 Steps to Prepare a Talk and Boost Your Confidence

Boost your Confidence with these 10 Steps I know you usually find me guiding you to be present and connected when you’re speaking, however… …as I’m preparing to give a presentation myself… I wanted to share the 10 steps I personally go...
Presence and Public Speaking

Presence and Public Speaking

Early signs of public speaking anxiety I just received a note from one of my coaching clients and I thought it would speak to you… …especially if you are still working on getting over your speaking anxiety. In my articles, I’ve been helping you learn how...
Speak From the Essence of Who You Are

Speak From the Essence of Who You Are

When You Connect to Your Essence, Your Voice is Pure and Powerful. I think one has to first believe that within their own body/self/soul there is a core Essence that is powerful, pure, and positive. But how do you find and connect with that state of being within?...