by Doreen Downing | Dec 14, 2023 | Authentic Speaking, Confident public speaking, Events & Programs, Fearless Public Speaking, Find Your Voice Blog, Leadership and Public Speaking, Mindfulness and speaking, Personal Relationships and Speaking, Public Speaking Anxiety, Public Speaking Coaching, Public Speaking Tips, Workshops for Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety
Before I present what I believe are the three ways you might be hiding your authentic self, let’s first talk about masks. As youngsters, we learn how to create all sorts of masks, and these aren’t the kind that we make with colored paper, crayons, and glue. I’m...
by Doreen Downing | Oct 24, 2022 | Authentic Speaking, Confident public speaking, Fear of Speaking, Leadership and Public Speaking, Public Speaking Anxiety, Public Speaking Tips, Self Talk, Storytelling, Uncategorized, Workshops for Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety
Anticipation The day of my wedding I wanted everything to be perfect: Perfect Man Perfect Location Perfect Dress Perfect Ceremony Perfect Planner All checked off the list but then… As I stood outside the church and the doors opened, the music I was supposed to...
by Doreen Downing | Mar 18, 2022 | Authentic Speaking, Confident public speaking, Fear of Speaking, Public Speaking Anxiety, Public Speaking Coaching, Speaking to Groups, Storytelling, Workshops for Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety
4 Shifts of Transformation A few years ago, I created a webinar that some of you may have signed up to watch at one time or another. It’s called The 4 Secrets My Clients Use to Discover Their Authentic Voice and Speak Without Fear. Since it’s been a while,...
by Doreen Downing | Feb 14, 2022 | Authentic Speaking, Confident public speaking, Essential Speaking, Fear of Speaking, Fearless Public Speaking, Leadership and Public Speaking, Public Speaking Anxiety, Public Speaking Coaching, Public Speaking Tips
Where the Fear Lives People come to me because they are afraid of speaking up in public. And it’s not always just getting on a stage and giving a presentation. A lot of times it’s just being in a meeting, needing to raise their hand and offer an opinion....
by Doreen Downing | Aug 4, 2021 | Authentic Speaking, Confident public speaking, Essential Speaking, Events & Programs, Fear of Speaking, Find Your Voice Blog, Public Speaking Anxiety
Two Types of Speakers What are you when it comes to public speaking, an “orchid” or a “dandelion?” I came across the “orchid” and “dandelion” concept when I listened to an interview with W. Thomas Boyce. M.D. talking about his book, The Orchid and the Dandelion: Why...
by Doreen Downing | Jun 27, 2021 | Authentic Speaking, Confident public speaking, Essential Speaking, Fear of Speaking, Fearless Public Speaking, Find Your Voice Blog, Public Speaking Anxiety, Self Talk
Seeing Your Self I just received this question from one of my students about the mirror exercise I offered in a recent video… “How long would it be best for me to stay in front of the mirror?” My answer…. Remember it needs to be a small mirror, one that is handheld...