by Doreen Downing | Aug 5, 2019 | Authentic Speaking, Fear of Speaking, Find Your Voice Blog, Mindfulness and speaking, Presence and public speaking, Public Speaking Coaching, Public Speaking Tips
Losing Your Words When Speaking? I recently received an email from a woman who said she’s afraid of losing her words and being spontaneously asked to speak. Two very common fears! If you have or ever have had either fear, I thought you might find my response...
by Doreen Downing | Jul 15, 2019 | Confident public speaking, Essential Speaking, Fear of Speaking, Fearless Public Speaking, Find Your Voice Blog, Mindfulness and speaking, Presence and public speaking, Public Speaking Anxiety, Public Speaking Tips
Finding Inner Clarity I thought you might be inspired by a podcast episode I’ve just heard. I believe it speaks to how to overcome speaking anxiety… any time… any where. It’s from the podcast series Unshakable Self-Confidence, and it’s about taking the leap...
by Doreen Downing | Jun 26, 2019 | Authentic Speaking, Confident public speaking, Essential Speaking, Fear of Speaking, Find Your Voice Blog, Mindfulness and speaking, Presence and public speaking, Public Speaking Anxiety, Public Speaking Coaching, Public Speaking Tips
Presence and Connection Lead to Customers When you speak, it is your presence and connection ability that carries your words to a customer. You may think that your words are the important factor, but being in the moment, fully present, connected to yourself and others...
by Doreen Downing | Jun 17, 2019 | Authentic Speaking, Essential Speaking, Find Your Voice Blog, Presence and public speaking, Public Speaking Coaching, Public Speaking Tips, Storytelling
Our common language There is a common language we all share and it is more powerful than words. The best way to explain this language is to share about my recent trip to Greece. The phrase, “it’s all Greek to me” ran through my mind constantly. When I tried to...
by Doreen Downing | Jan 21, 2019 | Authentic Speaking, Find Your Voice Blog, Inspiration to speak in public, Mindfulness and speaking, Presence and public speaking, Public Speaking Tips
Flow and Public Speaking What’s flow… and how can you apply “flow” to speaking in public? Well, let’s start with what it’s not. Flow is not… … worrying about the future and how you might fail when presenting a report. … agonizing about the past and how you didn’t live...
by Doreen Downing | Apr 4, 2016 | Authentic Speaking, Events & Programs, Find Your Voice Blog, Presence and public speaking, Speaking Circles
The key to speaking without fear is learning how to be genuine and fully present in the moment. I find that many people are afraid of being themselves in front of others, often for fear of being judged. To deal with that fear, they anxiously focus on trying to figure...