Presence and Connection Lead to Customers

Presence and Connection Lead to Customers

Presence and Connection Lead to Customers When you speak, it is your presence and connection ability that carries your words to a customer. You may think that your words are the important factor, but being in the moment, fully present, connected to yourself and others...
Is Your Public Speaking Anxiety “Deep Rooted”​?

Is Your Public Speaking Anxiety “Deep Rooted”​?

Your public speaking anxiety may have deep roots…and here’s why: When you were young and ever so tender, your ability to freely express yourself may have been stunted. If so, to develop a strong and resilient sense of being safe whenever you speak is...
Are you Hiding or Welcoming Your Authentic Self?

Are you Hiding or Welcoming Your Authentic Self?

Are you Hiding Your Authentic Self? Many people are simply too afraid to even face their public speaking anxieties. They can and do avoid the spotlight for years. The truth is that the beautiful and natural Essential Self within never gets to come out from hiding. It...